Thursday, May 20, 2010

obama and the mexicans

Last nite while watching the NBC nightly news. I watched as many as you did, the segment where the 2nd grade girl askes Michele Obama about our chocolate president and sending Mexicans back to Mexico. Ok How freeking sad is that. A two year old girl is worrying about her whole world going to shit. She is a prime example of what is going on today in the U.S. Obviously her mother pays no taxes, and yet her daughter who is legal is going to school here, and I bet she gets free medical care too.
Joy Behar, who I used to like, but lately every time she opens her mouth, more shit comes out. Said the other day, what Arizonan's are pissed off about is Illegals just like that. They came here and let their papers expire and now they are illegal. Thats not true. Most of the Mexican that originally got papers are completely absorbed into American culture, especially the ones that live north and east of Arizona. First of all, she isnt intelligent enough to know what we are pissed off about, if you dont believe me just watch her show sometime.
We are pissed off about the ones that come over here, sneaking accross the border, dont ever intend to get papers, live in all mexican neighborhoods, its not hard to round them up, they live in packs like wild dogs. They never intend to become naturalized citizens. They breed like rats, often get caught and deported, and then sneak right back over the border. Immigration policy is not broken, the border is. Make the border secure, and the illegal immigration problem will take care of itself. The Mexican president doesnt deserve to have an opinion either. Of course he wants them to come over here, then he doesnt have to worry about the crime and the drain on mexican economy and society.

On the brighter side. My filly by Curb Appeal is incredible. She is a moose. The poor mare eats whenever she is not sleeping, because the filly eats whenever she is not sleeping. I cant wait to wean her. I am sure that mom cant wait either. I have both of the mares in foal, and I'm sure about that because I turned Barkley out with them and he is afraid to death of both of them, which is completly 100% the opposite of the way it was before they were in foal. Well I have to get back to work. Keeping the women of Arizona beautiful and smelling great.

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