Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trying to survive driving a sports car in a mini-van world

I work mainly from home now unless I am off making sales calls so I don't drive nearly as many miles as I used to. I am very habitual so I have a mainly 5 square mile area that I drive in and not every day. Sometimes I swear it is the most treacherous area that I have ever driven. I have decided it's is because we have moved into a family neighborhood in town and most of the vehicles out there on the road are mini-van's. I have a very relaxed attitude while driving, even when on the track I try and stay very relaxed. Most mini van drivers appear to be living and driving on their last nerve. Smoking like a train, texting, yelling at their kids or ignoring them all with a catatonic look on their face. The stressed out catatonic ones are the drivers that worry me the most. They are just blindly trying to get to their destination without having a nervous breakdown. I am absolutely positive that they have no idea what is going on around them on the road. It's like their sub-conscious is doing the driving. Changing lanes, running yellow lights, sitting in the turn lane until the light turns yellow and then deciding to go, doing u turns pulling out into traffic. All while hauling around a gaggle of children in the back of a vehicle that truly needs a plexi-glass sound proofed partition between them and their passengers. I grew up in the mid-west. Small town farming America. I honestly think most of the women there are better equipped to haul around kids and drive in traffic. They grew up driving stick shift 4 wheel drives, big tractors pulling farm implements, grain trucks, pulling stock and horse trailers. Driving around town with a load a screaming kids is a piece of cake for these gals. I only hope that I can manage to make it to retirement age without getting killed by a catatonic driver who has no idea that he has cut me off and forced me off the road into a tree.