Friday, May 14, 2010

20 cops all with their guns drawn.

Most of you dont know that the first summer I lived here, we had an incident here at my house involving illegal's. So know you get to hear about it. One night about two a.m. I got up to go to the bathroom. I have to go several times a nite and I can look out my bathroom window, on the 2nd floor while I am going. This particular evening as I witnessed several police cruisers converge on the intersection about 1/2 mile from my house. Lights flashing etc. I woke Dave up and went out on the balcony to watch as the cruisers continued to drive back and forth and around out neighborhood with the helicoptor overhead. At the time Whitney lived downstairs, so I called her and told some kind of shit was going on and she should lock her doors. We live in a huge two story cinder block building with an apartment and office downstairs and a larger apartment upstairs. All the while I was talking to Whitney, we were all watching the cops drive thru the neighborhood with their lights flashing and their spotlights on all the houses and yards. They seemed to be getting closer and I guess in my sleepy state I didnt realize exactly what was going on, and eventually the helicopter was concentrating on my place and all the cruisers came speeding down my drive light and sirens blaring driving around my house sliding to a stop, pulling their guns and spotlights and screaming for somebody to get down. I of course was caught completely off guard and since I sleep in the raw, had to run into the house and put some nightclothes on. When I came back out on the balcony and walked over to talk to the police I was told to get back in the house. All this time the police were like rabid dogs on steroids, screaming to get down, threatening to turn the dogs loose, waving their guns around etc.
I had to call 911 and talk to dispatch and find out what the hell was going on, and to tell them that someone lived downstairs and not to do any shooting until she was safe. Eventually they got Whitney out of her apartment, and turned one of their police dogs into the shop to catch one of the bad guys.
As it turns out, 5 guys had been stealing cars in Mesa, and while the police were on the chase they rolled on the the trucks that they stole, and found their way thru the neighborhood to our house to hide. One jumped the fence at hid in the shop. One was under my truck, one was hiding in front of it between it and the shop, and two others just jumped the fence and kept on running. There were at least 25 officers, city county etc. at the house. Basically they had stolen 4 cars in Mesa, and had decided to run to the Indian Reservation south of town so that they couldnt be caught. There was one legal mexican, 3 illegals, and one juvenille, who was also illegal. This happened in September and it took until February the following year to prosecute them. I had to go to court on two seperate occasions, fill out volumes of paperwork. It was a collosal pain in the ass.

Just today the police raided a drop house here in Phx. Arresting two Coyotes, and 12 illegals that had already paid $2500.00 to get smuggled over here, and they were being held at gunpoint until their families could pay another $2500.00 to get freed. They followed them home from a traffic stop. This is human trafficking, what about this picture do people not see as wrong. Their own people are treating them like slaves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didnt most of the blacks in this country get here in the same fashion, and I though that we had made that illegal. Keep right on protesting, and when your car is stolen while your on parade somewhere, I'll bet you find an illegal stripping it at the local chop shop.

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