Thursday, April 29, 2021

Fierce and Funny

 The World lost a little known ray of sunshine this week.  Reta was a horse customer of mine for a while.  Not nearly long enough and we lost touch until recently.  I only have great memories of her.  She was the first person that I talked openly about being gay.  She told me she knew nobody chose to be gay because "no sane person would choose that tough a life on purpose"  She was painfully honest.  Sometimes so that it put me in my place which I am sure was her intent.  I remember how serious she was about being a good horsewoman.  Never shied away from putting in the time to get her patterns correct, or being prepared to show.  What I remember most, and what I think her special gifts were are her big boisterous laugh, and how proud she was of her Son Clint and her Husband Terry.  I can't begin to imagine how sad they are, but I sincerely hope they know just how much they were loved.