Saturday, May 8, 2010

1 way racism.

Well yesterday I was appalled while watching the news. It seems our chocolate president thinks the immigration issue is some kind of joke. And when he tells it. It's supposed to be funny. What the hell is wrong with the american people and the press. If a white, president, democrat or republican, or any white elected official, or any member of the press would have come up with that kind of a racist joke. Somebody would be asking for their head on a platter. I can believe it. It went something like this. "If you get stopped for speeding in Arizona and you dont have your I.D., Well adios amigo's. " What an intellegent response by a president. I dont wonder any more why nothing is being done about immigration. Our own president thinks its a joke. What amazes me is the obvious fact that if the joke had been told this way. And this is my quote. "If you get stopped in Arizona and you dont have your I.D., and you black. Well back to Africa. " Just imagine all of the people that would have pissed off. Hell Al Sharpton would be looking to put a hit out on you. Wake up people it's time we did something about our elected officials.

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