Friday, February 12, 2010

who's to blame.

I recieved a call yesterday from an ex customer of mine. She was complaining about the "bad" wrap that the trainer/exhibitor was recieving after the recent driving wreck in Scottsdale. She was saying it wasnt his fault and people were talking bad about it etc. Ok lets look at this for a minute, Sure the judge should have been smart enough not to back the horses on the rail. But thats what she called for. Second who backed the horse into the fence in the first place. That wasnt the judge. Third. why the hell when the wreck happend didnt the rest of the exhibitors drive their horses out of the arena.
Not too many years ago while I was hooking a horse up at watsonville. One that had driven many times before, he spooked. He spooked when a well known halter trainer ponied their horse next to mine and it jumped in the air, snorted and kicked out. Should mine have bolted, probably not, but he did. I didnt track the halter trainer down and call her every name in the book. I took my lumps from everybody on the show grounds. Ironically the "only" person actually affected by my horse spooking was in the middle of showing her horse in the trail. She was extremely gracious. One non exhibitor who owns a tack store, was the worst bitcher about it. It was all my fault and I was dangerous. Ironically a few years later she could manage to park her tack trailer at Santa Barbara one fall and actually asked me to help her with it. Which I did. I guess she didnt remember what a bitch she had been to me before. Funny how thing turn out. Anyway. A few years ago the owner of the horse that wrecked in Scottsdale asked me to drive one for her. Supposedly one that had driven before. The silly bastard tried to kick my head off before I could even get the croupler on it. Needles to say I didnt get that one driven, and have avoided driving any for her since. Obviously a smart move on my part. The blame resides with the person driving the horse. Dont back into the wall. Know the animal well enough to not have a wreck, and have the good sense not to drive the nutcases anyway.
Now all this will probably get me in trouble, but who gives a shit anyway. I've never been politically correct to be very poplular with most of you knit wits anyway. Have a nice day.

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