Friday, February 19, 2010

tigers woody,

Ok here goes, who gives a shit about about Tiger Woods and how many women he put the wood too. As far as I'm concerned he is just like so many of the other pro athletes out there. They make too much money, dont perform unless they have too, and live above the normal realm of society and the law. If you or I had fled our home in the middle of the night because our other half was beating us with a golf club, mowed down a tree and had the police called on us. I'm sorry. Who the hell gets to hide in his house, behind the private gates of the community that he lives in and not report to the police at least for an interview. Excuse me. The police would have hauled any non celebrity in to jail and written them as many tickets as they could come up with. I personally dont care that he has apologized, I think his wife is just plain stupid for staying with him. And come on how flippin pure of heart is she if she does. Looks to me like she is just in it for the money. I am tired of seeing his filandering ass in the news. For god sakes, the olympics are going on. The economy is in the shitter. There are some many other worthwile things to report on its just inexcusable. Today one of the local news channels started with the Tiger Woods press conference, not the lost 4 year old girl. not the results of the olympics, or any other local news that might be important. I personally hope that he gets some kind of sexually transmitted disease that causes him to grow some kind of disfiguring appendage on his face right between his eyes and he never get to play golf again.
Oh and by the way. I love to play golf. I suck at it. But I love to play, and Tiger Woods has no bearing on that at all.

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