Friday, January 22, 2010


I've been a little busy the last couple of weeks so I havent been able to find the time, or the energy to sit down and try and write something creative. Until now. I'm sitting here at Paradise Bakery waiting in the rain for the Scottsdale fire marshal to let us back into the auction site. For those of you who dont know I have a car for sale at the Russo and Steele collector car auction going on this week here is Scottsdale, and last night we had a helluva wind and rain event. The two tents that house the cars were blown down. One landing on loop 101 and stopping traffic for a few hours. Near as I can tell, the car either is just setting under what is left of the tent, or it has a pole laying accross the roof.
This gives me time to expound on a couple of things that have me concerned this week.
First: recently while at a local show with a CA customer of mine. I just train her driving horse, she was telling me about a conversation that she had with another CA trainer about the experience she was having with her other horse that wasnt quite being quiet when she showed it. The CA trainers response was get with the show vet and give it a cocktail. They have one that wont test and then show your horse. Ok here is where I get pissed off. I may not be the best trainer in the world, have numerous world championships to my credit or the most lucrative training barn in AZ, and we all know that I have plenty of flaws. But I have NEVER taken a horse to the pen when it had been given a "cocktail" so that I could show it. And what kind of business are we in when a well known trainer with several world championships to her students credit tells an amature to give a horse a cocktail to get it shown. I think that this puts all of that trainers previous success in question. And what happens when you sell that horse with an artificial record and it wont perform for its new owner.
Ponder that for a while, I just got news that we cant get in to see the cars until tomorrow morning at the earliest so I'm going to head back to the house and find some mud to play in.

1 comment:

  1. Just pathetic ,I agree Dan and that is just one trainer who mixes and delivers,for what, a false hood they might obtain. For a fake win. There is no Horseman or Horsewoman there. Shame on all of them.
    Hope your car is OK. I have a client down there at the auction. I will be hearing all about it next week. Take care. Mimi
