Sunday, December 20, 2009

Miss manners would absolutely die,

As I said before I am going to be in Key West for a few day during the christmas holiday. As I have been travelling along, there are a few things that I have noticed about ourselves as americans that I feel compelled to comment on.
First of all, children and young adults say 25 and younger behave as if they have never been told "no" in their lives. I have never seen so many misbehaved kids in my entire life as going thru two airports on the way to Ft. Lauderdale. They walk into you, cut in line, talk loudly, smell badly, and when did we stop making taking a shower everyday a priority. Come on I know all about global warming etc, but when basic daily hygene, or lack of, turns you into a stinking mobile sweaty dirty mess. Something needs to be said. Are they too lazy or what. But wait, after seeing the behavior of the average adult at the airport. I now know why the kids look homeless. Now I know I dont always wear the best clothes, no starch, my addiction for wearing t shirts every day, and keeping my jeans until they are practically faded white, and have holes in them, but thats because I'm cheap. But I take a shower EVERY day, usually two, I am horrified if I can smell my own pits. I'm not even going to go their about all of them having greasy hair hanging in their eyes all the time. No wonder they get stopped by the cops all the time, they look like thugs. And I'm sorry, baggy pants on men hanging down past their freeking ass, and girls with their pants so tight and low around their waist that they have a roll above it that looks like a semi truck tire. Hey that is NOT attractive. Some things are better left to the imagination.
Now number two. I know why the little bastards have no manners, their parents didnt teach them any. Just watch someone learn that their flight has been cancelled and all answers will be revealed. For those of you who dont know. The east coast has had their worst blizzard in the last decade. It is not the airlines fault your flight has been cancelled. The alternative is very simple, stay home, or crash land into a really exciting ball of flames. A snow storm doesnt give you the right to talk to the ticket agent like she owes you her life.
Third. When we finally landed and got all the way to Ft. Lauderdale we had a really nice dinner at Rosies. We started with the artichoke spinach dip, exceptionally cheasy and creamy, then Dave had the blue cheese burger with avocado, with sweet potatoe waffle cut fries. Of course it was a grass fed beef and that automatically makes it good. I had the bisque seafood soup, and the coconut shrip. Both were better than any that I have any where before. We just checked in to the Double Tree Grand Key Resort on Key West, and will be here for three nites. One night we are going camping on Dry Tortuga Island, and then to an old victorian bed and breakfast the night before we come home. If anything else fun and exciting happens I'll be sure to keep you posted.

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