Monday, September 24, 2012

The Not So middle Middle East

     I have been pretty disgusted with response, or lack of a response to the violence and attacks surrounding the U.S. embassies in the middle east.  I remember when I was a child.  Most of the violence occurred in the middle east.  As I've gotten older the violence has steadily spread around the globe.  Our values haven't changed and their values haven't changed either.  What has changed as their ability to hold the rest of the world hostage.  Democratic countries for whatever reasons continually allow students, business professionals, immigrants from the middle east to their countries, all in the hope, or guise that increases in education, humanity, and oil will come to and from the middle east.  What really pisses me off is that every day, EVERY DAY somewhere, many times a day in several locations in the middle east, they educate people to hate the West.  They train fighters to kill their people and ours.  They continue to oppress their women and anyone who thinks differently than they do.  All the while most western civilized people go about their everyday lives not giving any thought to whats going on in the middle east.  That is until some Crackpot from here makes a film for YouTube, which I have taken the time to watch, and they get pissed off.  It supplies the fuel for the radicals in the middle east to set off the violence.  It is a stupid film and anybody with more than half a dozen brain cells would realize just what a farce it is.  But in oppressed countries, they are just simple enough to get pissed off.  Violence ensues.

     I have a solution.  It is the year 2012 and those that want to live in a global economy, and global society need to get a real grip on themselves because I my solution shoots that theory right in the ass.  I think it's time to shut them off.  No money, No food, No technology, No Education, No travel. No humanitarian aid.  NO ANYTHING.  Turn them off.  Make them totally self sufficient.  Bring our people home.  Bring our businesses home. If we isolate those people totally, No more students coming here.  Make them educate their own people Make them treat their own sick.  Make them build their own cars and guns and raise their own food.  Until they realize that they can either get along, or slowly suffocate and die.  Now I realize that we will suffer too.  But we have the technology and the natural resources available to us to overcome whatever we get from the middle east.  And frankly it would be cheaper and safer to do so. 

     I realize I'm going to take a lot of shit for having this opinion, but frankly when is enough.  If those peoples choose, CHOOSE not to evolve with the rest of the world, then it's time to leave them behind. 

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