Thursday, September 20, 2012

An American President.

     Last night I met a friend for snacks and happy hour at a little Irish pub in Chandler,  the quality has taken a real dive, but that is fodder for another blog.  As always happens this time of year the conversation turned to politics and I made the statement that I wanted a true American to run for president.  I was asked what is that, what is an American, I answered of course but since then I've had a little time to think about it and here is a better answer. 

     My American president could be of any lineage, Black, White, Asian, Indian, I really don't have a preference.  I'd like him to be well spoken, a good speech giver, the kind of individual that takes the microphone and starts to speak and everybody listens.  Someone who can command respect as a leader in a room full of leaders from other nations.  I don't have any preference for military service, but I expect him to have a deep respect for the military, and have the intelligence for when is the right time to flex our military might and when it's time to send them in and defend our interests.  I don't care what his religious beliefs are.  Those are none of my business anyway, and being in America we are guaranteed the separation of church and state anyway, so I would hope that while I would respect his deep convictions of his own faith.  He had the intelligence to make his own decisions on policy and human rights and not base those on some interpretation of the bible.  It is the year 2012 he should respect human rights, he should respect equal rights for men, women, gays, lesbians, they get their own category because there is nothing like them, and people of all ethnicity's and religious beliefs.  I want him to be strong enough to stand up to the various political parties in the united states and walk down the middle of the road so to speak and have the guts to tell them when they have gone too far.  He should be strong enough to tell the senate and the congress to get off their asses and make the right choices.  You see it's the year 2012, it's not about Republican or Democrat, or tea party or independent.  We are the United States for Christs sake!!   He should tell the public utilities to get off their collective butts and develop safe nuclear energy, wind, solar and hydro power and do it now so that we can save what fossil fuels we have left can be used economically.  I understood in High School.  over 20 years ago that fossil fuels were a finite commodity.  We can put a man on the moon, Shuttle into space, support a multinational space station, Land a rover on mars that has enough power to transmit back to us experiments that it is going to conduct for two years!!!! and we haven't developed viable energy alternatives yet.  That my friends is inexcusable.  My Corvette gets 30mpg on the highway and has a smaller carbon imprint that a Pruis and marketing has convinced us that we are saving the world by driving them.  Chevy produced the Volt, which is a great car, because they had to, to get their bail out.  Government should not have that kind of power. 
    My American president would have to guts to run the special interest groups and lobbyisst right out of Washington.  One of his main agendas would be to bring manufacturing back to the U.S.  Tax breaks for small and large businesses that can manufacture American made products, Benefits to those that can do it with the least amount of pollution produced.  I expect him to take health care by the neck and choke the graft and waste out of the system.  Above all he is intelligent enough to overhaul our tax code, make is simple enough that we would be proud to support the programs that it would be needed for. 
     You show me a candidate  that has the guts to Run on that platform and he will get 100% of the support of the American Public.  The President who believes in America strong enough to run on a platform to reform and rebuild the very things that made America so great in the first place.  The American president who can defend the beliefs that our forefather fought so hard and risked so much for would undoubtedly be the American President because he would have the backing of all us Americans. 
     Somebody please find me that candidate so we can be proud of our American President again.

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