Monday, March 19, 2012

Let's Place the Blame Where it Belongs

As you all know by now and American Soldier slipped a cog and slaughtered 16 Afghani's. The tragedy here is on more levels than anyone is willing to say.

Let's take a moment to look at them all.
First. Let's place some of the blame on the Afghan people. After 10 years they are still unable to govern their own country successfully. No basic governmental infrastructure. Their security forces change sides as often most people change their underwear. They are so afraid of standing up to the Taliban that they would rather be continually oppressed, live in caves and hovel's with no running water and electricity. They definitely live by the code, if I am quiet enough no one will notice me and maybe I will live into my thirties. Frankly It's time they learned to stand up for themselves, and stopped being a drain on the worlds economies, humanities, and karma.

Second, Let's put some of the blame on the U.S. Government. What in the hell are we doing sending soldiers on 4 tour's of duty. These men sign up for the armed services because they are proud to be an American and they want to serve their country. Living in tents, outhouses, temporary showers, poor quality food, not to mention the constant threat from gunfire, bombs, and terrorist attacks. All defending a people who are too paralyzed to pick up arms and defend themselves. I can't even begin to imagine the stress, frustration, anger and futility that they feel after one deployment let alone four. Military budget restraints, partisan politics, and political agendas are crippling this country and placing American citizens in harms way all around the globe.

Third. Staff Sgt, Bales Commanding officer and some of his fellow servicemen have to have had some indication that he was going to slip a cog. Nobody goes tilt without showing some indication that they need some help.

Fourth and lastly. Staff. Sgt. Bales himself. While I applaud and am proud of each and every soldier serving for this great country. If Sgt. Bales is guilty. He needs to be punished to the full extent of the law. Both here in the United States, and in a manner which satisfies the Afghan people. After all it is the Afghan people that he is accused of killing. I am sickened that he did not get the attention, and respect that he deserved, and that he was put in the position to take the actions that he is accused of.

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