Monday, March 26, 2012

A Global Economy?

This past weekend I traveled to Wilcox AZ for work. Wilcox really isn't a town anymore. It's starting to look a lot like an abandoned movie set. "Night of the Dying Town". It's very sad really, but the current "Knowledge based world economy" doesn't quite seem to be working. There are town's all over the U.S. just like Wilcox AZ. Kanab UT, Quanah TX to name a few. It's truly a tragedy. Two years ago when I first started travelling to Wilcox there was a thriving Veterinary practice that had been there for years. Today it is abandoned, falling down and for sale. There are great old buildings in these towns. Empty, un-kept, and falling down in front of our eyes. We are witnessing the death of the small town.
I want to know how the Global economy is going to help the family farm. The Ace hardware that's been owned by the same family for the last 30 years. The Steakhouse that's been the best place for large family gatherings for the last 15. The local small vineyard with the small incredible restaurant. As these town's die, the locals don't have the income to keep these businesses open. Guess what. They are too small to have a Wal-Mart in town, so people have to travel to purchase everyday items. I think the cost of transportation, shipping from overseas, is slowly going to kill major economies. Instead of giving tax incentives to move your manufacturing business overseas, why aren't our elected officials giving tax incentives to keep manufacturing right here in the U.S. I don't care if we give them the damn land for free if they are willing to bring back job's to the U.S. Who was the idiot who came up with this tax incentive to move manufacturing overseas anyway. I'm sure the high cost of labor dictated by union has a huge impact also. The cost of health care etc. Frankly, if we wiped out the graft and waste in the heath care and labor system's across this country. Manufacturing costs would be more than competitive with overseas markets. If just one of our elected officials had the guts to do a "town hall meeting" in a dying town. They might actually learn a thing or too. Frankly I don't think they have the guts. I bet we couldn't get Romney to drive his Campaign bus through town let enough stay in one.

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