Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful For?

Since its Thanksgiving Day I thought I might waste some time and talk about the things I'm thankful for, or should be.
First I am thankful that I have a partner that loves and respects me and is patient enough to let me find my way. I am thankful that I have the best friends in the world, new and old, horse friends, car friends, and just fun people to hang around with. I am thankful that I was born and live in America! Even though I dont like most of the elected officials that we have in office Especially Obama and Pelosi, I would expect someone like her from California, I am smart enough to realize many other countries dont even get the choice. How many other people in the world today get to enjoy college and pro sports, horses, medicinal marijuana, club car racing,Nascar, 80,000 screaming rednecks cant be wrong!!!, and being allowed to load your family up in the car and travel to visit family and friends anytime you get the urge. I am really glad that the protests that were being promoted at the airports didnt materialize. I dont fly much but I'm damn sure I dont want to be sitting next to some radical idiot with plastic explosives in his pants when he blows his ass off. All of these people protesting need to be thankful they they are allowed that right, and then they need to take the bus or the train. Greyhound and Amtrak need the business.
I am thankful that I live in a country where General Motors has survived and still produces the Corvette, despite our socialist president trying to take control and kill the car that keeps the hope and dreams of millions of kids and adults alive.
I am thankful that I have trained and shown some of the most talented horses in the world. I'm even thankful for that rotten little bastard Hannibal, who in his own little perverse way loves me just as much as I love him.
So today when you sit down with family and friends to enjoy all the benefits allowed us on this great day. Take a minute to truly appreciate what you have, and what you are allowed to have.

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