Monday, November 15, 2010

If you touch my junk I'll have you arrested

Oh please, at my age I'd almost consider paying someone to "touch my junk". Ive watched a few of the news reports today covering this controversy about the full body scans and the pat downs that people are going thru in airports. Ive said previously that I dont want to get on a flight where somebody didnt have to go thru these security measures. I dont see what the problem is. WE areLUCKY enough to live in a country that affords us freedoms that other countries dont allow their citizens. With all the reports in the news lately about packages that are intercepted before they blow up, and passengers with bombs in their shoes and underwear, I would think that they would appreciate all the trouble the airlines have to go thru to insure their safety. Just think about all the added cost of the equipment, and the extra tsa agents now required for every airport. And people still want to fly accross country for $100.00. Think about this for a minute. Nobody knows what kind of bomb blew up flight 109 to Lockerbie Scottland. Do you think those passengers and their families would have liked to have been patted down versus being blown to bits by someone with radical beliefs. Think about that when you sit down to a nice Thanksgiving dinner next week. And the little girl who was screaming stop touching me. I dont know who deserves to have their ass paddled more. Her or her mother.

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