Monday, October 25, 2010

The Looming Elections

I have gotten really political over the last few years. Lately I have been following the political situation in the United States and this fall I have spent a great deal of time studying the local politicians that we have to choose from here in Arizona. We have one who doesnt pay his taxes, one who things political office holders should be appointed not elected, one who used to write a sex column for a porn website, one who should have retired years ago, one who walked out of a town hall meeting, one who had his law license revoked. Those are just the few that I have managed to keep up with. Quite a selection dont you think. It really makes you want to run out and vote doesnt it.

The sad part of it all is that all these candidates just want to get elected. They dont care how, or what they have to do to get elected. I dont think they have any intention of performing their electorial duties with any responsibility, they just want to hold some sort of elected office.

I am going to vote next week. you cant bitch about it if you dont vote, and god knows I do like to bitch from time to time. What would happen if nobody went to the polls and voted. NOBODY. Not a single vote would be cast for anyone running for office. ZERO do you think that anybody would get to picture that we need better more qualified candidates. Just a thought.

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