Thursday, June 21, 2018

Another Black Eye.

So yesterday some of you may have noticed an interesting exchange between me and a liberal on my Facebook page.  He apparently doesn't have the same views as I do and felt the need to say some pretty disparaging things about me, my mother, my life, and was so kind as to actually threaten to kill me twice.  All in all it was just pretty interesting and I've waited until today to respond to some of his issues. 

I really don't care what you have to say about my mother.  I am sure that we have said worse about each other to each other,  but its just tacky to say something about someones mother. 

You can say whatever you like about me.  I've been picked on my whole life,  I'm a big guy I'm used to it and I can take it. 

Threatening to kill me is hysterically funny.  I'm probably the only Fag you know who has been arrested twice for assault.  Bring it on you diseased heap of pus.  I'm pretty easy to find and I have a great deal of pent up aggression.  A little extra exercise is a good thing. 

The worst part about the whole thing is that you have succeeded in validating the main reason straight people are afraid of the gay agenda.  You see, straight people don't care who your having sex with, when or how or any thing about it.  They don't care if you want to get married they don't care if you want to march naked in a parade.  They do however care when you insist in pushing your values, morality, and opinions on them.  Your Hitler like insistence that everyone must follow your beliefs is why the straight and christian communities are afraid of you and why the gay community is experiencing a push back from them. 

I don't know why you chose to have such an impassioned reaction to my post,  alcohol abuse, being on your meds so long that it has started to affect your brain function, or some serious emotional issue that you are experiencing right now.  I just hope that you find the help you need to come to terms with your issues. 

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