Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Disgusting Americans

   I mistakenly thought that with the primary season over,  The powers that be would try and settle into some sort of dignified attempt to conduct the election with some sort of class. 

  I couldn't have been more wrong.  A group of old guard Republicans had to try and take over the convention and force another candidate on the voters who voted for Donald Trump.  If you needed a reason to abandon the Republican party you needed to look no further.  I know one of those delegates personally who wanted to replace Trump.  Like him or not.  Trump earned more votes that any or all of the rest of the candidates combined.  Your arrogant view that you as delegates know best and should appoint another candidate makes me sick and is a prime example of what is wrong with the Republican party today.  Your simple and insulting belief that you know better and you will force your beliefs on the rest of them.  You are not fit to be a delegate and should be removed from your position. 

  So Trump chose a running mate that is viciously against gay rights.  That's a problem.  Its also a problem that Clinton takes Billions of dollars from countries in the middle east that persecute homosexuals daily.  So does the RNC.  That is a fight that we will have to wage until the end of time.  There will come a day when we will have to march with dignity in the streets of this nation to keep the rights that some courageous few have fought so hard for us to get.  Our right to marry wasn't won because we fought for it, It wasn't won because Obama supported it.  It was one because 6 courageous couples joined forces and took the fight for marriage rights to the supreme court.  It started years before that when Florida Governor Lawton Chiles refused to sign the 1997 defense of marriage act.  Both parties are the same on gay rights.  They give it lip service when it serves their cause.  As long as the religious right exists in this country,  we will have to fight for gay rights Not preferential treatment, Equal rights. 

  What appalls me the most is the gay communities vicious assault on Melania Trump.  It almost leaves me speechless.  She was born in Communist Slovenia,  if any of you think that was so easy go there for a while and report back how that works for you.  She found a way out by being a model and posed naked for a photo shoot in European GQ.  So what.  I applaud your judging her for it, but by all means then don't be upset when people judge you for your bedroom activities, for marching with your cocks and asses hanging out in gay pride parades,  for riding in the back of pickups simulating fetish sex.  We all know that is a much more dignified activity than posing naked while your working as a model.  Even gay I would rather see a naked Melania Trump than a 400 lb man wearing nothing but a rainbow colored jock. 

  The way I see it we have no good choice in the election.  They both lie, they both steal. and they take money from sources that are not in our best interests.  The third choice.  The libertarian from New Mexico is brilliant and would make an awesome president and doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of getting elected.  Most of you don't even know who his is or what he stands for. 

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