Thursday, August 5, 2010

why do we bother to vote

Why do we bother to vote. I am getting more concerned about this particular issue every day. I vote. Things dont usually go my way but I do anyway. We vote in many different ways. A friend of mine says that we vote everytime we open our pocketbook by choosing products or services. If enough of us dont buy products or services they stop making them. Why doesnt that seem to work with our government. I thought that this was supposed to be a government by the people for the people. Recently two things that have disturbed me the most have been lawsuits that have overturned laws that the majority of the people in a particular society or group have voted for. I'm not going to say how I feel about the following two issues, some of you already know and some of you might be surprised by how I would have voted but my opinions are moot.

First, the people of Arizona voted, buy their elected officials, and polls in Arizona back this up. To write and approve immigration bill 1070. By the people for the people. Then parts of the bill were blocked in the courts. One appointed judge thinks she knows more about what the people of Arizona want more than they do themselves.

Second, just yesterday the courts overturned the marriage ban in California. I personally support this ban because I do agree that "Marriage" as we know it, should be between a man and a woman. Certain things such as Child Birth and Parenthood should remain between a man and a woman. Civil Unions on the other hand are another issue, but this vote and law was about marriage. The VOTERS of the state of California VOTED to ban gay marriage, and once again the appointed judge decided to overturn the ban based upon how they interpreted the laws.

The solutions to these problems are very simple. Register to vote and VOTE. Vote the politicians responsible for making these judicial appointments out of office. And Vote politicians into office that are going to represent the majority of how Americans feel. A perfect example of this is how our chocolate president is dragging his heels on immigration reform. The longer he waits the more likely he is to win over the liberal mexican vote in this country. Which I feel is a beligerent slap in the face of the people who have immigrated here legally. Get out and Vote people.

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