Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I love liberals

I love liberals! Without them I wouldnt have near as much to write about. I dont understand why anyone expected Judge Susan Bolton to rule any differently. She was appointed by Obama and I am sure she will be appointed to a better position as soon as politically correct. Obama's history of appointing his supporters to prominent positions. I will have to say the longer Governor Jan Brewer is in office the more I like her. The lady has balls, vowing to appeal Judge Boltons ruling. Good for her and good for Arizona. I am getting a little tired of the news media being so biased. I watch Good Morning America almost every day. I was disappointed watch George Stephanopolis's interview of Sherrif Joe Arpao. Now dont get me wrong I think the sherrif is a bit of a pain in the ass. Nobody seems to notice that crime started to drop in Az when he started to arrest illegal aliens and do his local crime sweeps. They never mention the number of blacks, or whites that get picked up. The number of drunk drivers that he arrests when doing his drunk driving check points is unbelievable. Most of those offenders are usually white, young upwardly mobile white men and women. Why doesnt that make the national news. Why doesnt Diane Sawyer report when a hiker finds a locked up rental van in the desert with 9 illegal immigrents inside, dead from the heat. I was particularly pissed off yesterday morning when the 16 year old high school student was all stressed out about his fear of being arrested and not wanting to move. It was all over the national news. I wonder if anyone besides me noticed how well spoken and educated he was living here in the united states since he was six. In the ten years he has been here he has had plenty of time to try and become a naturalized citizen. And why didnt the interviewer ask him this. Poor illegal, he has been so persecuted.
You people need to keep something in mind. Our economy is in the shitter. Housing values contine to fall. Unemployment is forcasted to continue in the high 9% thru the year 2012, and banks are not loaning money. Wall street is ignoring the economy and will continue to do so. The more of america that we continue to give away. To other countries, to illegals, to the welfare reciepients, who should be doing the jobs the illegals are doing any way. If we keep this up we risk becoming one of the 3rd world nations . I'm just saying.

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