Wednesday, November 22, 2017

White Oppression

     I have stayed out of the Stand up for the Flag discussion until now.  I personally would never sit for the playing of the National Anthem and I understand that this is America and people have the right to protest any way in which they see fit.  What I find interesting it the reason that athletes and others are doing it.  Because of black oppression.

     Black oppression.  Somebody please tell me how long certain blacks and liberals are going to ride this wave.  Take a look at professional sports in America.  In the NBA 76%, NFL 66%.  We have Black only colleges.  We have students in Colleges in California protesting until they could have black only dorms.  We have BET,  NAACP,  Blacks on T.V. on the news and on regular programming average between 69% and 79%.  I fail to see how blacks are being oppressed in this country.  I have personally been to job interviews with National companies where I was obviously more qualified but black, Mexican and Asian women were hired because they met the demographic where the company could get the most tax benefits.

     Today's black oppression is manufactured by the left and the inadequate losers who haven't managed to become successful as human beings.  There are plenty of things for the black athletes to protest.  Poverty in their communities, crime in the black populated inner cities.  The way they are taken advantage of as sports talented youth who are moved on through the system just for their ability to play and to make money for their owners.  The lack of emphasis put on their education and their total lack of graduating High School and College as functioning members of society.  The fact that black fathers characteristically leave their wives and cheat unmercifully when they do stay.

    The three UCLA basketball players who were caught stealing in China is a perfect example of just how far their ignorance goes.  They have grown up so entitled because of their talent they are no better than common thugs and when left to their own supervision that is exactly how they acted.  Then when Trump engineers their release and they come home.  One of the fathers.  LaVar Bell spits in Trumps face because he didn't bring them home on Air Force One.  Trump should have left the common thugs to rot in prison there.

     Right now African refugees are flocking to Libya with promises to be smuggled into Europe.  When they get there and the smuggles change the rules and they don't have enough money they sell them into slave labor.  The Libyan government knows its going on.  Imagine blacks selling other blacks in the year 2017.  Where is the outrage from the black community over that.  Imagine the shitstorm if Libyan whites were selling blacks.  There would be bombings at the U.S. Capital and the U.N would be going batshit.  In absolute numbers white people are more likely to be killed by police than are blacks.  I don't see any whites taking to the streets to protest police violence and chanting white lives matter. 

     Statistics show that 3 years after a pro basketball career ends 68% of black athletes file bankruptcy.  The numbers are relatively the same for pro football players.  Maybe this explains why they do nothing to help their own communities.  They are too broke and uneducated.  The NBA has put a motion before the NCAA to let retired basketball players go back to college and get their degrees for free if they entered the draft early and never graduated.  I think the NBA should pay for it after all they have been exploiting college athletes for decades. 

    I am sick and tired of the media and the uneducated and ignorant black population and some whites who fall into the uneducated and ignorant category as well with the agenda to blame white people for their own problems.  Its time they got off their lazy asses and found a way to make a better life and to make contributions to society. 

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