Monday, April 24, 2017

Deleting the History of America

    I saw on the news this morning that the city of New Orleans is going to remove the four monuments that it has commemorating the Confederate war.  So the United States, in its efforts to make all the socially correct police happy have decided to slowly and systematically erase our history.  I have news for all you folks crying about the events in the growth of this nation that offend you.  You're the issue, not history.  You're successfully making you're opinions more valuable than those of others.  Trying to wipe out a period in American History that had a huge part in the shaping of this great nation is the true tragedy here.  You're putting American on the same level as the Taliban tearing down historic monuments, and you are becoming the American version of ISIS and their history of destroying anything non radical muslim.  
     You cant change history or hide the bad periods in the growth of a country.  As offended as you may be over slaver, or lack of human rights, or womens issues.  The Confederacy was real.  Many passionate men fought to keep this country one.  Removing the monuments, and the historic sights totally dis respects the battle the country went through.  Your desire to be socially acceptable insults the lives lost on both sides during the time.  You take a teachable moment about history and the struggle of the time and wipe it from the conversation.  How do you plan to educate the younger generations so they will not make the same mistakes of the past.  

    I would suggest those of you lobbying for political correctness take a cue from Germany and taking the time to preserve the concentration camps.  They havent bull dozed them down.  They are living memorials to the lives lost and tragic examples of a terrible time in the history of German and the Jewish people.  Millions of people travel to the camps every year to pay their respects to the lives lost and to feel the sheer magnitude of the event.  Preserving the camps gives light to the tragic events in history in the building of Germany and the world.  They preserve historic proof to remind us of the vile tragedy that occurred there and how persecution and ignorance can get out of control.  
    Its a sad day in America when our country stops embracing our history good and bad as an example of the struggle, the work, the tragedies, and the triumphs of our country as it continues its evolution.  

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